
PSG3-24V2A-C (v. 1.0)


PSG3 27,6V/2A/2x17Ah enclosed switch mode power supply unit with battery backup Grade 3

Power supply 200 - 240 V AC
Power supply output 2.5 A / 27.6 V DC / 69 W (total output current with charging)
1.4 A / 27.6 V DC - GRADE 1÷2
0.5 A / 27.6 V DC - GRADE 3
function START allows running PSU from battery power
Standards construction compliant with EN50131-6, GRADE 1÷3
Access control norm EN60839-11
Battery charging current 0.8A
Current consumption by PSU systems 40mA max.
Efficiency 83%
Dimensions 200 x 48 x 120 [+/-2 mm]
Protections SCP, OLP, OVP, UVP
Technical outputs OC type EPS – AC power failure
PSU – power supply failure
APS – battery failure
Technical input EXT IN – external failure
Installation do zabudowy / DIN optional (required bracket DIN)
Indication LED optical indication
Warranty 3 years