
AWB403020 (v. 1.0)


ABS Enclosure 400x300x200, waterproof with plastic hinges closing and base board

Použitie The AWB series enclosures are designed to protect electronic and electrical devices from water, dust, and mechanical damage.
Rozmery 300 x 400 x 205 [+/-2 mm]
Montážna platňa 235 x 335 [+/-2 mm]
integrated mounting plate with square perforation
Zatváranie plastic snap buckle - 2 pcs.
Montáž povrchová montáž
Vyhotovenie plastová z ABS, svetlo šedá
Stupeň ochrany EN60529 IP 66
Záruka 2 roky od dátumu výroby
Poznámky - 2 plastic hinges included
- 4 additional mounting brackets
- seal hole
- gasket is installed in the enclosure cover